Thursday, 2 May 2013


Hi All!
I hope my readers and friends are enjoying their summer vacation. Vacation means travelling, fun and frolic. Relatives visiting us or we visiting them. Travelling to hill stations to beat the heat..Yes, in all the fun and frolic we need to beat the heat as the temperatures are soaring high and to keep the body cool we tend to indulge in cold water, cool drinks and ice creams and that’s the reason I decided that this month’s theme will be..
only dessert
This month is my blog’s 4th birthday and so the giveaway sponsored by is a big cookbook Ice Creams & Frozen Desserts. It’s a perfect book for this climate to treat family and friends. The giveaway is shipped only in India and is open only for the followers of this blog.
Product Image
Rules for the event:
  1. Any number of entries can be sent but only two recipes from archives will be accepted.
  2. Eggless and egg desserts both will be accepted.
  3. New and old posts should be linked with the event announcement. The entry will not be accepted in the case of failure of following this rule.
  4. Link your entries using the Inlinkz tools. Those participating in giveaway (anyone who can provide an address in India) enter under ‘Indian entries’ category else link under ‘Other Countries’.
  5. Use of logo is not compulsory but will be appreciated if used as it helps spread the word.
  6. In case you have a difficulty in using Inlinkz tool, mail me to
If you like my blog and enjoy reading my posts and recipes, would appreciate that you like my FB page here. Also, participate in COOK LIKE MOM, hosted here and Win Raghavan Iyer’s 660 Curries which will be shipped across borders.
If You Enjoyed This Post Please Take 5 Seconds To Share It.


Nilu A said...

Lovely event dear.. Linked my entry.. Happy Hosting :-)

Unknown said...

hi, by mistake I added my name in the place of the recipe name...can you pls edit it to "Lemon Raspberry Cupcake"?


Me & More ... said...

Super cool event Dear... sure to participate...Happy Hosting...

virunthu unna vaanga said...

very nice event... happy hosting... will send mine soon...

Nilu A said...

Hey Pari.. Sent in another entry dear.. Happy hosting :-)

Priya Anandakumar said...

This is my first time to your blog, congrats on your 4rth blog anniversary. You have a great blog,I am happil following you and have liked your FB page

Padmajha said...

Hi Pari, Linked one entry. I have another recipe that I will be posting this week. Will link that one too.
Happy hosting dear.

Nargis Aara said...

hello dear nice event :) Ive entere 2 archived posts, will enter fresh post soon :) Happy hosting :)

Padmajha said...

Hi Pari,linked another dish today.
By mistake I linked it to the 'other countries' category.Please can you remove it from there?[Its the Mango Fro-yo' post]. Sorry for the trouble and Thanks :)

Unknown said...

lovely event dear1 I have linked my entries :)

Nilu A said...

Hey Pari sent my third entry dear.. Happy hosting :-)

Nilu A said...

Hae sent 4 entries in all Pari.. 2 mew and 2 archieved.. By mistake I linked one entry to the members of outside countries.. Pls do remove it dear :-)

cookingwithsapana said...

Lovely event ..linked my entry

Nargis Aara said...

hey dear pls remove the wood apple juice ive linked up without knowledge that only 2 archived entries allowed :) thank u

Thecakenest said...

Hi pari,
First time in your space ...Glad to follow you...have linked my two entry...
Simply Delicious

Nilu A said...

Have sent in another entry Pari,, Happy hosting dear :-)

Priya Anandakumar said...

Have linked my salted mint lassi to "ONLY" event and linked back your event in my page as awell.
I am sorry about the confusion.

Unknown said...

Guru’s Cooking is giving away gift hampers like never before, so what are you waiting for, let’s get started click here to Win Gift Hampers ,

Nilu A said...

Thanks for stopping by and letting me know about the pound cake entry.. Will try to link in a few more recipes soon Pari.. Until then happy hosting dear :-)

Nilu A said...

Have linked in another entry Pari.. Happy hosting dear :-)

Priya Anandakumar said...

Hi Pari,
I have linked back the lemon juice...

Shabbu said...

Linked my watermelon popsicles to this lovely event..Happy hosting..

Nilu A said...

Have linked in another entry Pari.. Happy hosting dear :-)

saraniskitchen said...

Linked my entries pari..Happy hosting...


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