
Sunday 6 December 2009

Avarekaalu Saaru- Another recipe with these marvelous beans

Hello everyone! I am posting once again my DH S’s favorite. Now you might say what’s new in that? So true, for people who read my blog regularly this is not at all a new thing. But the new thing is is that S had to really wait and pester me to make this Saaru for him. So on his birthday I treated him with this along with the Aloo Posto. What a weird combo one would say! I agree indeed, as both the recipes have extremely contradictory tastes. If the saaru is from south the Posto is from Bengal. The saaru is spicy and the posto has subtle flavors. The saaru asks for lot of coconut and the other asks for mustard… But the common thing in between both the recipes is that they taste good with hot steamed rice. Suits me!!!! Saves my time in the kitchen and the the DH gets his favoritesSmile.
This Saaru is a hot favorite in S’s family, I mean my in laws side. It frequents the kitchen when in season. When we had visited Bangalore recently my MIL had made this for lunch. I asked her the recipe that time but I forgot by the time I actually wanted to cook this. So on the D day I conveniently called up my MIL and asked her all proportions once again. She is a sweetheart and is ever ready to teach me her kind of stuff…especially when she knows it’s to pamper her son. LOL
The recipe is very simple and can be cooked very fast if the rasam podi/saaru podi is ready. It needs very basic ingredients readily available in the kitchen except for the avarekaalu/mochai/surati lilva/lima beans.

Ingredients for Rasam Powder/ Saaru Podi
Coriander seeds-3/4 cup
Bedagi Red chilies-2 cups
Cumin-1 tbsp
Mustard and Fenugreek seeds- 1/2tsp each
roast all the ingredients in a teaspoon of oil and grind together.

Ingredients for Saaru
1. 1-1/2 cups of boiled Avarekaalu
2. a cup of grated fresh coconut
3. a tsp of cumin seeds
4. 2-3 tbsp coriander seeds
5. a tbsp of tamarind pulp
6. 3-4 tbsp saaru podi
for tempering-
2 tsp oil
a tsp of mustard seeds
a sprig of curry leaves
Boil the avarekaalu with some salt till cooked.
Grind together ingredients 2-6 along with 2 tbsp of boiled avarekaalu.
Mix this with the boiled avarekaalu, add water to adjust consistency and season with salt.
Put it on flame and bring it to a boil then temper it with the ingredients given under Tempering. Cook it for few more minutes and then serve it with rice and a dash of ghee.

Sending this to MLLE-18 hosted by Srivalli and is the brainchild of Susan.


  1. A lovely and easy recipe. This a new one to me. Adding to my cooking book :):)


  2. It looks very tempting! I like about all kinds of beans.

  3. Looks delicious and yummyyyyy.

  4. Never heard abt this one,looks delicious and a nice recipe too..

  5. Looks so inviting.Never made 'mochai' this way!

  6. I am sure this is definitely a yummy dish because beans is my favourite.

  7. looks very my dad's mama's place..they grow in so much..i've had so much of this avare...this dish looks so tempting..loved it!

  8. Such a delicious and yummyilicious to have with hot steaming rice and papads..

  9. Have read so many recipes of Avarekaalu, rally wanna try one , hey whats its called in marathi ?

  10. Hi I love Avarekalu in any form, even I too prepared the same saaru last week, and kept the recipe in my draft. Soon, I am also going to post my version.

  11. This is very tempting...nice colour

  12. delicious dish, dear....looks so tempting! to try it out!

  13. Yummy saaru....During this season you can see most of the houses in bangalore will have a speciality of avarekalu :).

  14. Yummy red color, looks so good and tempting. I would sure like to try this because I like beans. On this cold winter day here, spices would be warm and welcomed.

  15. Curry looks very yuumy dear :-)

  16. Sounds & looks great..Love the ingridents..Perfect with rice.:)

  17. I love this beans a lot Pari.. missing the fresh ones here and averakalu saaru is one of my fav... love with hot rice :)

  18. I dont know what avakeru is but sure it looks yummy

  19. Thanks a lot all of you for those encouraging comments.
    Soma and Kanchan they are called Popatya or Vaal in Maharashtra.Do give them a try, have excellent flavour.

  20. Looking forward to ur version Nivedita, I have some left in my stock..

  21. Interesting and comforting rasam dear...looks very temptingg :)

  22. Looks so good, very interesting recipe.

  23. Wow it's looking yumm... I came to know about this saaru in Bangalore..... It tastes nice with ragi mudde.

  24. It is quite regular at mom's place..looks gr8

  25. Dear pari
    A belated Happy Birthday to your dear Hubby. This dish is very new for me and now I an concentrating on south dishes taken from my foodie friends.
    I need to find out what is Avarekalu (and saru podi is the powder you mentioned above).
    I can get the aroma right now.
    Happy cooking

  26. looks yummy and comforting!!

  27. Dear Ushnish, these are lima beans but the sad part is we do not get them here. I picked them during my visit to bangalore.

  28. Thats a wonderful and healthy curry..never tried..

  29. Tempting gravy,goes well with Ragi Kali

  30. tempting curry dear....want to try this curry, but don't have an idea whre i can find them here....

  31. We too make a similar gravy with this,love this a lot,we dry roast before cooking!

  32. Really like the colour of the i m following u.

  33. oh I love that colour. looks really inviting

  34. The spice is little different than what we make- whenever we get this fresh avarekalu it goes in everything!

  35. I like this in curry form than in fry...I like ur version a lot better than mine...

  36. What a beautiful bowl of curry! It looks and sounds so delicious! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful recipe:)

  37. this looks wonderful Pari would you like to do you kala chana recipe as a guest post on chow and chatter folks seem to love these black chick peas

    rebeccasubbiah at yahoo dot com

    love Rebecca

  38. Looks like this is a very famous karnataka dish... never had saaru in gravy consistency...

  39. I made a similar one with Lima beans for lunch today,am not sure thats the same as avarekalu.Yours looks very inviting.

  40. I love mochai, but never had it like this..looks yummy!

  41. Hi Pari, what is avarekaalu? I haven't heard this one before and don't think I have had it either. very good unique recipe and the photo looks delicious too!

  42. Dear PJ, these are called Pavta or Popat bi/vaal in Marathi.

  43. My fav saaru for mudde. looks good.

  44. I love the color of this recipe dear

  45. Hi pari,i tried this saaru last week,was really nice and delicious,me and my family liked it a lot,thanks for sharing this recipe...

  46. Nice dish... I am really impressed... I gona try this...


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