
Tuesday 28 December 2010

Khatti Arbi / Arvi Ka Salan…Taro cooked in tangy Curry

What is Arbi?
Arbi or Taro Root is a is a starchy tuber of a widely cultivated tropical Asian plant (Colocasia esculenta) having broad leaves. It’s a vegetable  that looks like, and can be used similar to a potato. It does, however, have a hairy outer coating on its surface that is similar to the coating on a coconut. Because of this, when preparing to use a taro root, the root's outer skin must first be removed. This procedure is easy to do. However, some individual's can acquire a skin irritation towards the juices that are secreted by the taro root as its skin is being removed. Therefore, to be on the safe side, when peeling a taro root's skin, use protective rubber gloves or apply oil  to the hands.
Nutritional facts about Arbi
Taro roots or Arbi as it is known in India are extremely nutritious as they provide a good source of fiber, contain a high amount of protein, calcium, and phosphorus, and supply approximately 95 calories per adult serving. Another reason that the taro root has gained in popularity for cooking purposes is because its starch is easily digestible.
How to Use them in cooking
Taro roots can be used as an alternative to potatoes. They do, however, have somewhat of a nut-like flavor when cooked. Common uses for taro roots include frying, baking, roasting, boiling, or steaming them. They are also often used in soups or stews. Additionally, the vegetarians have found the cooked taro root to be a delicious addition to meals such as antipasto salads  that include endives, peppers, tomatoes, chicory, and fresh herbs. 
I have largely used them in making curries for the main course. In this post I am sharing another delectable curry made in Hyderabadi style. I had read this preparation in Chef Sanjeev Kapoor’s book and have modified it here and there to make it suitable for my kitchen. The resultant curry was wonderful and I personally liked it very much. If you like spicy and tangy curry, this is a good choice to make. This goes well with rice but I would like to eat this with Kerala Paratha. How much I miss those ..….Tongue out
Ingredients For Salan
250-300gms colocasia/arvi/taro peeled and sliced
2 onions chopped finely
3 tomatoes chopped finely
1 green chili sliced
3 garlic pods crushed
a small piece ginger crushed
tsp red chili pwd
1 tsp coriander pwd
1/2 tsp turmeric pwd
1 tbsp tamarind pulp
salt to taste
oil for cooking
Heat oil and add onions and saute till brown in color.
Add in ginger-garlic and saute further.
Now add the tomatoes, sliced chilies, salt and all the powders. Mix thoroughly and cook till the tomatoes are done.
Add the Arbi/Taro and mix properly. Adjust the consistency by adding water. Let the curry boil  covered on low flame till the Taro is completely cooked. Add tamarind pulp and mix just before it is removed from fire. I avoided adding the curry leaves to the Salan as I wanted just the basic  and minimum spices to it.
Serve hot with rice/ paratha.


  1. HI Pari,

    This is one of my favourites too! spicy and tangy..yum!!!

  2. yummmm...i am hungry now. My moom makes a similar dish. I simply love this dish and i miss kerala paratha too. yummmmmm

  3. I didn't know that taro could irritate. Luckily I have not had that happen. Lovely curry, Pari, and great idea to use tamarind for tang.

  4. Looks good..I haven't tried arabi this way..

  5. I do taro fry but never as curry..looks fabulous Pari..

  6. Now I want to try taro root. I like the way you describe it, it sounds so good! I have not seen it in our little grocery stores; I think I would have to go to the BIG cities where exotic vegetables are sold. So intriguing and sounds so good!!

  7. Love this kind of curry... nice spicy and tangy. Looks delicious Pari :)

  8. I love curry very much. But never made it tangy!!
    lovely idea. Looks yummy!!

  9. It's so colorful and yummy dear.....

  10. I love Taro root, Your curry tempted me a lot, got to buy some taro and try it out!

  11. I love this curry Pari! Really spicy and tangy.
    I will try this:)

  12. Hi Pari,
    I love arvi in any form!! This kind of a curry is called pulusu in Andhra Pradesh and is mighty of my personal favs...your looks lovely!!

  13. Hi Folks, Thanks for admiring the salan.
    @ Ambika, thanks for the info.

  14. Dear Pari
    I look forward to see blogs, to read about the Introduction, the background and the information that are packed into these with sincere and serious efforts. The description of the recipe comes next which is also done meticulously. There are few blogs I read regularly and learn. Yours is one of them. Your adaption of a commercial recipe to fit our kitchen makes one confident to cook it. I hope to try this one some day.


  15. Nice recipe..Taro Curry looks spicy.....

  16. Never tried using arbi this way...i have just tried frying it...urs looks tangy and spicy and very delicious too...will surely try this

  17. We usually had this during Mooncake festival. Steam it till soft and dip with sugar.

  18. As usual wonderful info dear !
    Keep it up

  19. Hi Pari,
    Thanks for visiting my page & for lovely comments. Your blog is amazing.. going through it!
    Lovely curry,Nice pic...Looks delicious Pari :)will surely try this.

  20. Wow....this is my favourite recipe.....looks yummy....

  21. Hi pari,u get spring roll wrappers in any super markets,just check the frozen foods counter,in case u dont find them,then use flat boiled noodles,cut it into juliennes and then roll it in paneer and fry it...

  22. I like arbi...but cant find it here!:(

  23. i love tangy this is a must tryf or me

  24. This curry is new to me...very different from the dry arbi fry I make...looks delicious :)

  25. love arvi. this is a different version and looks yum. will try this

  26. That looks so delicious,Pari!My mom used to make it without gravy...

  27. Haven't try this before! It looks nice and delicious though. I should give it a try any of these days. Cheers.

  28. i can never tire of looking through your lovely blog...great work...

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