
Monday 17 August 2009

Mixed Vegetable Akki Rotti, Step By Step


I am posting yet another recipe very close to my heart, which I learnt from my MIL. In fact the first time I visited S, my MIL had made these for me. 

She had made them hot for me but I got stuck in finishing some chore . So when I eventually ate, it had turned cold, chewy and dry.  As a result, I had a hard time finishing it. S was all praises for it and I was wondering, how could he like this!!!

After I got married, MIL made them again and I was genuinely tensed because of my prior experience and wondered how would I finish them again...... 

You can understand a newly wed’s plight…but.. but....God was kind  and I was lucky enough to eat it hot this time, and as you would have guessed  by now…I  had loved it!! Ever since then, these rottis are a regular in my kitchen and I eat them hot, served straight from the griddle.

Akki Roti is a popular dish in all Kannadiga homes. Akki means rice, so akki rotti means a rotti made out of rice flour. I find this an extremely healthy breakfast/ lunch box/ evening snack item. 

One can introduce as many veggies, greens as one wants. This time when I made, I made these on S’s demand, as I had not made them in quite some time. It tastes absolutely divine  when served hot, smeared with ghee or butter  My FIL loves eating this way.
2- 2 1/2 cups rice flour
5-6tbsp chopped cabbage
5-6tbsp grated carrots
5-6 green chilies finely chopped ( adjust as per taste)
8-10 French beans finely chopped
1 small onion chopped
3tbsp semolina (rava)
hot water for kneading
2tbsp curds
few curry leaves chopped
a small sprig of coriander chopped
salt to taste
1tsp cumin seeds
Mix all the ingredients together and a make a soft dough using hot water.
Take a Non-Stick pan and grease it will a spoon of oil.
With wet hands take an orange size ball of the dough and pat it thin with the help of water. Make hole/holes in the center and put oil and cook it first on high and then on low flame till they are crisp on one side. Flip and cook the other side using a little more oil.
They can also be patted on banana leaves and then transferred to the pan, but getting the leaves  is not easy here, so I pat them directly on the Tava.
These taste good when cooked with a little excess oil but one can always avoid adding more.

Serve them hot with a dollop of butter/ghee.The semolina makes the roti more crispier, and the curds add a nice gentle sourness.
Note- When made for lunch box, make them a little soft and with proper oil, else it will become dry.
Preferably serve them only hot.
I am posting this as my entry to

Sending this as my entry for Cooking for Kids- evening snacks hosted by Divya of Dil Se and is the brain child of Sharmi of Naivedyam.

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  1. very unique recipe .......step by step method is very nice ......

  2. Looks delicious...this is s great and healthy snack.

  3. Akki rotti looks lovely Pari :)

  4. i never tried to make roti with rice flour before..yours came out perfect and round,

  5. They say akki roti has to be consumed while syill warm. I wonder how you did not hiccup the first time and finished it too.But otherwise it is very delicious isn't it?

  6. Pari, what are "curds". This looks very very good to me. I am going to save this to try some day soon, I think. It is a different recipe than I am acquainted with but has ingredients that I am familiar with (except for the curds, grin). It all sounds very good together!

  7. What tempting pics, very unusual roti!

  8. Thanks every one.
    @ Katy, Hi! Curds is plain yogurt. Hope this helps.

  9. Looks really yumm-o Pari..I loved the way it has all the veggies yet so snacky..:)

  10. Wow looks fantastic Pari!!!very colourful!

  11. Hmm thats delicious and healthy looking roti dear :)

  12. Hey, thanks for the idea Pari..the plasic wrap seems to be a better alternative!!!....and akki roti looks great...another dish I do not have the courage to even this takes a while to cook...and then making holes in banana leaf...ahhhhh.....when i get there...ill surely link you to my post dear...looks yumm though!

  13. Thats indeed healthy and looks fantastic..

  14. Looks so good!I like the addition of veggies in the roti.I made it once and it did not turn out well.Will try yours:)

  15. Plain yogurt! Very good. Now I can try this. Thank you so much for your answer!


  16. Looks good... liked the recipe

  17. Hii Pari..this sounds like a great recipe ! It looks like utthapam to me, only easier (as we dont have to soak and grind)...will try very soon...

  18. Hi dear......i late iam too lazy these days to bloghop.....something or other making me to stay iam here...checked all the missed yummies.....belated anniversary wishes...those hearts look yummy.....veggie mixed roti sounds extremely drool worthy.....


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