
Tuesday 7 July 2009

Okra in Poppy and Sesame

Lady's finger/ Bhindi or Okra is a favorite vegetable for a lot of people.The Okra plant is thought to be of African origin and was brought to the US by the African slaves about 3 centuries ago. It hails to the same family of Hibiscus and Cotton (mallow family).

Okra is rich in dietary fibre, Vit A, C, K and Vit B6. It is rich in minerals and is good for people on diet as it's low in saturated fats, Cholesterol and Sodium.

Okra is liked by everyone at my place and everyone wants to have the last bite. S likes it so much that he can eat the subzi without roti or rice.This is a very simple recipe of Okra which can be cooked really fast and with very basic ingredients.I made this subzi without onions or garlic so that the flavor of the sesame and poppy was enhanced.

Both poppy seeds and sesame have mild flavors so while adding the spices care should be taken that it should not lose the original flavors and then rest assured of the delectable flavors they will yield.

Here is what I did to my this version of  Okra/ Bhindi/भिंडी


Okra-650gms (cut into diagonal slices)
4-5 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1 1/2 tsp turmeric
2 tsp red chilli pwd
3 tsp coriander pwd
3-4 tsp lemon juice( add more if one likes sour)
2tbsp poppy seeds
2 tbsp sesame seeds
1/2 tsp asafoetida
3/4 tsp Goda Masala/garam masala
salt to taste


  • Heat oil and add mustard followed by poppy seeds and sesame seeds. Add asafoetida and a part of the turmeric. Take precaution that the poppy and sesame do not get burnt.

  • Add the okra , salt and half of the lime juice. Mix and lower the flame.

  • The Okra will release the sticky threads but the lime juice will reduce it.

  • Once the Okra is done add the remaining lime juice, turmeric, red chilli pwd, coriander pwd and goda masala ( or Kala masala , is used readily by all maharashtrians for their day to day cooking). The recipe of Goda masala you can find here.

  • Give it a final stir and then switch off the gas. The Okra is done.

  • Serve it with hot rotis smeared with ghee.

  • Serves four people.
This is my entry to Think Spice- Sesame hosted by Padmajha Suresh of Seduce your tastebuds


  1. Mmm pari yummy okra curry!

  2. Wow yumm yumm yumm.. and healty too

  3. Wow thats very interesting way of making okra, lovely!

  4. wow! this is really good! nice idea of adding sesame...looks great and perfect for the event
    You have a lovely blog dear,.!!!

  5. Oh wow...looks the addition of poppy seeds ans sesame.....

  6. yum.. yum.. looks delicious, will definetly try this dish.


  7. Hi ur okra with poppyand sesame looks delicious I am going to try it out. You can visit my blog and view my recipes and give ur comments

  8. looks yummy, i learnt okra recipe from here its different.

  9. I made this for lunch today & it tasted really yum & was high on spices.. Thanks for the yummy recipe !


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