
Saturday 6 June 2009

Nigella lawson’s -Chocolate Pistachio Fudge

  • I started my blog and posted a few recipes and then I could not post for a few days as I left for an unplanned holiday .

    Now that I am back I want to post a recipe that’s very special and close to my heart. This I saw the first time on Nigella’s show and then Deeba @ passionateabout baking posted it and I was hooked to it.

    When I saw it the very first time I was wondering is it that simple? !But when Deeba also mentioned the same thing... I thought let me give it a try. I made it for S’s birthday as he is very fond of dark chocolate. He loved it and has asked me to make it for all his birthdays in future. Helps me as it’s so quick to make and really chocolatee .

    Dark Chocolate- 350 gms (broken roughly)
    Condensed milk- 400 gms
    Salt -a pinch
    Butter – 1 tbsp
    Pistachio – 150 gms (lightly roasted and pounded)


    Take a heavy bottom pan, in it put all the ingredients.
    Put it on a low flame and let the chocolate melt.
    At no point during the entire process of cooking the chocolate should boil.
    Keep mixing and cooking on low flame till the mixture thickens.
    The condensed milk helps give the dish a fudge like texture.
    Pour the mixture into an aluminium foil tray, as it’s easy to remove from it.
    Let it chill for 2 hours and then cut into pieces.It makes about 60 pieces of the lovely , chewy fudge.

  • You can view the video by clicking here


    1. Pari,
      Thanks for visiting my blog. Also, welcome to food blogging. Keep up the good work.
      Best wishes - Meera

    2. I've watched the show... never tried to make these... I think it was a christmas show.

    3. @Raaga
      Yup that was a Christmas show. Try the fudge it's reaaly nice.

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