
Monday 15 June 2009

Cheesy Bread Rolls

On 13th June my younger one turned 9. He is an energetic fellow, full of life. A moody at times and very possessive about me( I guess it's the age). He had been counting days remaining for his birthday past 15-20 days and was very excited about it. He had told me long time back that he wanted me to bake for him a Chocolate fudge cake.

Now it's been more than 2 months that I am having a low grade fever which shoots up at times. In spite of all medical check ups and all the medications it's not subsiding. On his birthday as the destiny had planned my fever shot up and I was in distress. I wanted to bake the cake for him. The poor thing realised seeing me, that I was in no position to stand for a long time . Nevertheless, we ordered a cake for him but I still wanted to make something special for him.. feeling guilty of not being able to please him and fulfill his wish .

He is very fond of cheese, so I thought of treating him with a cheesy day. Morning I made his favorite cheese bread rolls, afternoon was Paneer butter masala, Dal makhani and Garlic Naan for him and evening were pizzas. Most of the things I ordered out but promised him that I will bake the cake for him in near future.


Bread slices (fresh)
250 gms grated processed cheese ( I used Amul)
1 tsp freshly crushed pepper
2 green chillies chopped
4 tbsp boiled macroni
1 small onion finely chopped
1 tbsp chopped cilantro
rice flour
salt to taste
oil for frying


  • Remove the edges of the bread and make it flat by rolling it with a rolling pin.

  • Mix all the remaining ingredients and divide it into 8-10 equal portions and make small balls.

  • In a bowl take water . Keep the flattened bread on the palm and make it moist on either side with water , else gently dip it in water and squeeze out the water.( I prefer the first way)

  • Keep the cheese ball in the centre and cover it with bread from all the four sides properly without leaving any gaps and give it a proper shape.

  • Roll it gently in rice flour, this will help remove extra moisture from the bread and will not absorb excess oil while frying. This method I read at  Shilpa's blog.

  • Heat oil and deep fry the rolls on medium heat.

  • Serve hot with tomato sauce or green chutney.


  1. Oh i wish your little one a very happy belated bday, bread rolls look delicious, i wish you recover soon!!

  2. wonderful post pari.. i'm still not good at making bread rolls..will try my hand on them. i'm sure your younger one had a great treat.. love the addition of cheese.. sorry to hear about your fever..get well soon and belated wishes to your son !

  3. That makes a great breakfast! Thanks for sending it to "Show Me your breakfast"Event!

  4. @ Pooja, Parita and Divya
    Thanks a lot everyone for your wishes.

  5. Hi Pari, thanks for dropping by!!! Happy bday to your lil one!!! Wish he had fun and hope he liked the treats that you made and ordered for him!!! Btw how are u feeling now??? The cheese balls are looking yummy!!! my kind of breakfast :)

  6. cheesy rolls looks yum.. this is my first visit to ur blog.. welcome to blogging!!!..

    If u have time pls checkout my blog!!!

  7. Oh wow looks delectable....cheesy and yum...yummy heading....

  8. lovely rolls this is one of my favorite breakfast looks so yum.

  9. Lovely rolls, eye caturing picture. Infact I even liked ur platter!!

    My brother's name is also 'Pari'...I miss him so much, here!!

  10. @ Malar
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Must say I am coming across lot of "pari" these days.

  11. Wow yummy rolls dear. Will sure try them.
    I hope u get well soon, happy B day to your little one.



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